Sunday, October 31, 2010

Equinox Ahead

Doesn't mean much in this part of the country. It's wet. Really, really wet, and I love it. Reminds me of home. Also, according to my 'official' countdown; not including today, we have a year and a day left, and I am anticipating knocking off another month next weekend. I'm sitting on sending my latest short story to The Guild, to see what happens. I'm not going to innundate my publisher with a bunch of side projects that may postpone my series going up faster. I'll try to keep it to one short story a month, and no more than two poems, not that I have any of those at the moment.

The financial markets seem to be a little slow to wake up in the Divided States of America this morning. Did someone forget daylight slavings time hath begun? Or are they just afraid? Very afraid? After all, Nikkei did drop over six percent, but HSI went up so far, so what the feck?

Everybody got up real early this morning. The mullethead took over what I usually do in the morning stable clean-up and feeding, and my mentor helped me with breakfast. No, it wasn't the most practical set-up, but when you have a chick with issues like the mullethead, you let her do the hard stuff. Hey! She could handle it. She was tough enough. Just not as fast, but it didn't matter.

This was going to be a mellow, do-nothing kind of day. Well spend extra time spoiling the cats, the equines, maybe if the rain lets up a little we can take a short walk. I was feeling amped, but not in a way to want to run a kilometre or two through the virtual waterfall that was coming down outside right now. Maybe we could all have tay on the verandah, and watch it come down for a while later. A couple of kettles should do us. Glad we had some rusk left, but only fennel. I liked fennel, but mango left it in the dust. We'd get more on Thursday.

The next dry day we have, I'm doing an eighteen kilometre run. Today. . .well, I'll find something do. I might even hit the mullethead's weight set to get rid of any extra kinetic energy. It was set up adaquately with no readjustments or additions having to be made, considering it wasn't really my thing.

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